Monday, November 9, 2009


Anonymity gives great power. It can empower you to do great things and it can give you the power to hurt others. I was thinking about this recently because I was reading a friend's blog (someone not in my class) and she had asked people to reply by anonymously sharing a secret on her blog. The first disconcerting thing to me was that I actually read their replies (I like to think I'm above stuff like that, but I guess not quite) and the second was the range of things people needed to get off their chests. Some people told about relationally aggressive things they had done, but some people admitted to horrible things like seriously hating their in-laws or committing adultery. The whole post anonymously thing just really didn't sit right with me. Be yourself. Be good. Let others know how you feel about things and don't hide that you feel a certain way. This is how I feel.


  1. That doesn't sit right with me either. I've been thinking about similar things recently. If you can't say it in person, you shouldn't say it online. It's crazy how open people are over the internet.

  2. Hi Sal! I'm mad at Utah for once again stealing you! ...curse you utah.
    I completely agree with what you are saying. People feel free to say anything no strings attached. Not cool.

  3. That's totally true. And it's all about what a person does with his power of anonymity- some do good and some do bad. great post!

    and SUCH a cute blog!
